If you, like the gentlemen on the left, have pored over RBMSCL manuscripts, books, broadsides, maps, etc. (with or without a magnifying glass) and turned your brilliant discoveries into a brilliant paper, why not submit it for a chance to receive one of two Chester P. Middlesworth Awards?
The two awards, one for an undergraduate and one for a graduate student, each carry a cash prize of $1000.00. The awards will be given at a reception held during Parents' and Family Weekend (22-24 October 2010). Click here for our post about last year's happy recipients!
A few stipulations:
- Your paper must have been prepared to meet requirements of a course in any academic department at Duke University or of an independent study project for credit at Duke University.
- Your paper must be based largely or wholly on sources in the RBMSCL.
- Your paper must be nominated by a faculty member. Faculty may use this nomination form.
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